Bible Institute of Expository Teaching

The Bible Institute of Expository Teaching was founded in the fall of 2014 and was officially launched in November 2014. Date of the first class was Saturday, February 7, 2015.

Mission: To equip teachers/laypersons with skills and methods for greater effectiveness in Bible teaching.

Purpose at Hopewell: It is the God-given vision of the pastor to bring forth to other servants in the ministry of Christian Education some systematic and sustained methods for performing exegesis of the scriptures in teaching the Bible. This institute will further equip each member of this church with something in their hands and in their heart…as we achieve a “warfare ready” status church-wide. The most sound way to do battle with a spiritual enemy, in spiritual warfare, is to increase teacher readiness.

Relative to teacher readiness, the institute stresses developing quality study habits and digging to greater depths of discovery of the Word. We also stress the necessity of clarity with conviction (of the heart) in the dispensing (communication) of the Word.

Program Setup: 10 sessions split up over 2 full years. These sessions are broken into two categories: Year 1–Principles of Exegesis; and Year 2–Practice in Exegesis.

2018 Enrollment Now Closed